School of Tourism


    Established in 1985 (formerly Tourism Department), School of Tourism in Huangshan University is one of the earliest 11 Schools offering higher education of tourism in China, and the 1st tourism major in Anhui Province, P.R.C. Enjoying the exceptional advantages of location near Mount Huangshan, and taking the opportunity of reform and opening-up policy, School of Tourism has become a stronger and distinctive School with the development of tourism industry in China.

    School of Tourism has more than 2,000 enrolled students in total, and offers 5 undergraduate courses, namely, Tourism Management, Hotel Management, Human Resources Management (on tourism), Culinary Art and Nutrition Education, Event Management, and 2 collaboration projects, which are Sino-Korea Tourism Management (2+2) and Sino-France Hotel Management (instructed in English ).

At present, the school has a high quality faculty, which consists of 50 teachers including 2 professors, 13 associate professors, and 7 Ph. doctors. Relying on the rich local tourism resources and developing tourism industry, combining in-class teaching and social practices, all the faculty and students are devoting themselves to scientific research and have made great achievement.

    Tourism Management in Tourism School was rated as one of Anhui Provincial Model Plan of Educational Reform in 2004, the 1st Featured Program Construction of Ministry of Education and Anhui Provincial Experiment and Practice Centre in 2008, the Leading Practice and Tourism Management in Anhui Province in 2010, the Training Base for High-level Tourism Talents in Anhui Province in 2012 and the Fostering Base for Outstanding Tourism Talents in Anhui Province in 2013.

The School extends the training of thoughts on international school-running mode, having made actively and greatly co-operations with tourist Schools and academic units from many countries and regions, such as France, South Korea, Switzerland, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Every year teachers and students are dispatched to Françoise Comte Region, VATEL International School Hotel and Tourism Management, Woosong University, Shih Chien University, and other Schools and universities for visiting, teaching and further study.

    The School has valued the university-enterprise co-operations and university-region co-operations, focused on fostering applied talents. Up to now, it has built up over 50 fieldwork bases and co-operation enterprises, covering student’s internship, talent training, university-enterprise researches, and obtained great improvement both on teaching and practice.

   “Huizhou (the former name for Huangshan) is so beautiful and charming that anyone once lived here will never dream about any other places more enticing.” The magnificent Mount Huangshan and graceful Xin’an River are nurturing our students generation by generation. Here with its prevailing academic atmosphere, prosperous business and trade, Huizhou Culture gives arise to many scholars and celebrities. Bearing the nature advantages and humanistic spirits, School of Tourism is expected to be China’s West Point for tourism-related talents training as well as a cradle for modern businessmen. Today, on this thriving land, its faculty and students are making great efforts to create a brighter future.